guest-crux | guest-crux-rootfs | guest-crux-hvm
grab the ISO from a mirror and prepare the required file-system archive
ver=3.7 cd ~/ISO-IMAGES/ wget$ver/iso/crux-3.7.iso wget$ver/iso/crux-3.7.md5 wget$ver/iso/crux-3.7.sha256 wget$ver.md5 wget$ver.sha256 mkdir loop/ mount crux-$ver.iso loop/
proceed with the guest skeleton
mkdir -p ~/guests/crux/lala/ cd ~/guests/crux/ # REISER4 dd if=/dev/zero of=crux.reiser4 bs=1GB count=0 seek=8 mkfs.reiser4 -dfy crux.reiser4 mount crux.reiser4 lala/ # BUTTERFS dd if=/dev/zero of=crux.butterfs bs=1GB count=0 seek=8 mkfs.btrfs -O list-all mkfs.btrfs crux.butterfs mount crux.butterfs lala/
deploy the file-system
# only xz there ls -lhF ~/ISO-IMAGES/loop/crux/core/ | grep -v .tar.xz$ # no need for rootfs apparently #bsdtar xJf ~//ISO-IMAGES/loop/rootfs.tar.xz -C lala/ for pkg in ~/ISO-IMAGES/loop/crux/core/*.tar.xz; do echo -n $pkg ... bsdtar xJf $pkg -C lala/ && echo done done; unset pkg # we want ping command bsdtar xJf ~/ISO-IMAGES/loop/crux/opt/iputils*.tar.xz -C lala/ # mhm we would need to bind the loop/ folder into the chroot for that mkdir -p lala/var/lib/pkg/ touch lala/var/lib/pkg/db for pkg in core/*.pkg.tar.xz; do chroot pkgadd $pkg done; unset pkg du -sh lala/ # v3.6.1 -- 671M # v3.7 -- 2.2G @reiser4
push some kernel modules in there
ls -lhF lala/lib/modules/ # not yet tar xzf /data/kernels/5.2.21.domureiser4.modules.tar.gz -C lala/lib/modules/
and proceed with system preparation
echo modprobe tmem >> lala/etc/rc.modules ls -lF lala/etc/rc.modules # already executable cp -pi lala/etc/rc lala/etc/rc.dist vi lala/etc/rc # remove hwclock cp -pi lala/etc/rc.shutdown lala/etc/rc.shutdown.dist vi lala/etc/rc.shutdown # remove hwclock cp -pi lala/etc/fstab lala/etc/fstab.dist vi lala/etc/fstab /dev/xvda1 / reiser4 defaults 0 1 #/dev/xvda1 / btrfs defaults 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts noexec,nosuid,gid=tty,mode=0620 0 0 shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 cp -pi lala/etc/inittab lala/etc/inittab.dist vi lala/etc/inittab #c1:2:respawn:/sbin/agetty --noclear 38400 tty1 linux c1:2:respawn:/sbin/agetty --noclear 115200 hvc0 xterm (and remove c2 to c6) cp -pi lala/etc/rc.conf lala/etc/rc.conf.dist vi lala/etc/rc.conf TIMEZONE=Europe/Moscow #TIMEZONE=Europe/Paris HOSTNAME=crux SERVICES=(lo net crond sshd) cp -pi lala/etc/profile lala/etc/profile.dist vi lala/etc/profile case "$-" in *i*) alias ll='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first -alh' alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first' alias rm='rm -i' alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' ;; esac
in case you want to reach the console without a password, you need first to define a password (renewal is enforced somehow) and only then delete it
#unalias pwgen #pwgen 16 1 | chroot lala/ chpasswd chroot lala/ passwd root chroot lala/ passwd --delete --unlock root #chroot lala/ usermod --expiredate "" --inactive -1 --unlock root #chroot lala/ usermod -p '*' root
setup networking
cp -pi lala/etc/rc.d/net lala/etc/rc.d/net.dist vi lala/etc/rc.d/net TYPE="static" ... DEV=eth0 ADDR=x.x.x.x MASK=24 GW=x.x.x.x # dedibox cat > lala/etc/resolv.conf <<EOF nameserver nameserver EOF cp -pi lala/etc/hosts lala/etc/hosts.dist vi lala/etc/hosts x.x.x.x crux
ready to go
umount /root/ISO-IMAGES/loop/ umount lala/ rmdir lala/ vi crux kernel = "/data/kernels/5.2.21.domureiser4.vmlinuz" root = "/dev/xvda1 ro console=hvc0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 mitigations=off" name = "crux" vcpus = 2 memory = 1024 disk = ['file:/root/guests/crux/crux.reiser4,xvda1,w'] #disk = ['file:/root/guests/crux/crux.butterfs,xvda1,w'] vif = [ 'bridge=guestbr0,vifname=crux0','bridge=br0,vifname=crux1' ] xl create crux -c
pkginfo -i | grep bash pkginfo -i | grep iputils ping -c1 -W1 curl -I
ports -u prt-get install bash-completion
updatedb history -c #rm -f .bash_history ^] xl shu crux
You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced) login[266]: pam_unix(login:account): expired password for user root (root enforced) You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced) usermod: PAM: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
==> I did not manage to avoid this issue while trying to setup a password-less root account
pkgadd: could not open /var/lib/pkg/db: No such file or directory
==> just create that folder and touch the db file;a=tree;a=blob;f=Makefile
handbook chapter 3
handbook chapter 4