proliant delivery firmwares ilo3
assuming firmware is up-to-date
enabling AES & FIPS resets all settings but network and also resets users!
get back to sane defaults
file set defaults
network dns/dhcp dhcp X dns name node2-ilo nic and tcp/ip x.x.x.x NO GATEWAY ( user settings add user... (password with 8 chars minimum) settings cli status enabled no auth speed 115200
fw upgrade done with centos6 already
check that you’ve got latest fw
administration ilo firmware ...
first enable AES & FIPS
security encryption/ aes/3des V fips V
wait for ilo3 to reboot
and finally after yet another ilo reset –either– login with factory defaults, namely use front-panel tag as administrator password –or– use the ilo3 (F8) prompt again just to re-create additional user and/or edit the administrator password
and only then take the time to fine-tune everything
network ilo dedicated network port (active) general/ ilo subsystem name HOSTNAME-ilo ipv4/ (gw already primary dns (everything else X) ipv6/ (everything X) sntp/ (everything X) time-zone Europe/Moscow shared network port general/ (already inactive)
administration # eventually improve password user administration update administrator password update other user password access settings ipmi/dcmi X (already disabled on v1.94) idle 120 minutes enabled no auth 115200 server name HOSTNAME security login security banner enable V management snmp alerts everything X insight management integration level of data returned X licensing 3246W-B24WW-YXK93-T56QW-2JP6M power mgmt power settings high performance mode (PROD ONLY) power cap ...
show system1/firmware1 show system1/cpu1
while booting up without RAID setup
POST Error: 1785-Drive Array not Configured
==> configure RAID arrays
chrome gives
firefox gives
Error code: SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION This website might not support the TLS 1.2 protocol, which is the minimum version supported by Firefox.