assuming ingress-nginx logs are customized as json already
and stderr
as it points to helm’s mounted volumecontainerd
runtime hence using cri
input parserif not using custom json log format, there is k8s-nginx-ingress
– note the parser name has inverted nginx-ingress
naming, just to make things easier grasp.
[FILTER] name parser match kube #key_name log key_name message parser k8s-nginx-ingress reserve_data true
if you have some nodes dedicated to ingress and kyverno in da place
nodeSelector: app_type: ingress tolerations: - key: app_type operator: Equal value: ingress effect: NoSchedule
if you have request
field but cannot tune the nginx log format as you wish, here’s a workaround
[FILTER] name parser match source.stdout key_name request # provides method path http_version parser split_request reserve_data true [FILTER] name parser match source.stdout key_name path # provides page parser strip_querystr reserve_data true preserve_key true
with those custom parsers
# split-up the request field [PARSER] name split_request format regex regex ^(?<method>[^ ]*) (?<path>[^ ]*) HTTP/(?<http_version>[^ ]*) # help differenciate web pages - strip out the query string [PARSER] name strip_querystr format regex regex ^(?<page>[^?]*)
if there are some irrelevant logs you want to avoid
[FILTER] name grep match source.stdout exclude host some.domain.tld exclude upstream_status 2[0-9][0-9] logical_op AND