opensearch install setup upgrade
dashboard install setup upgrade
tested on debian12
upgraded 2.11.0 ==> 2.14.0 ==> 2.18.0
proceed with coordinator nodes, then data nodes, and only then, the cluster manager
define the node you want to query for status and upgrade preparation
k=https://opensearch0:9200 # coordinator node k=https://opensearch1:9200 # data1 k=https://opensearch2:9200 # data2 k=https://opensearch3:9200 # manager node admin_user=admin admin_passwd=...
curl -sk $k/_cluster/health?pretty -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd curl -sk "$k/_cat/nodes?v&h=name,version,node.role,master" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd | column -t curl -sk "$k/_nodes/opensearch-c1?pretty" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd | grep version | sort -uV curl -sk "$k/_nodes/opensearch-d1?pretty" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd | grep version | sort -uV curl -sk "$k/_nodes/opensearch-d2?pretty" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd | grep version | sort -uV curl -sk "$k/_nodes/opensearch-cluster_manager?pretty" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd | grep version | sort -uV
cat <<EOF | curl -sk -X PUT "$k/_cluster/settings?pretty" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d@- { "persistent": { "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "primaries" } } EOF curl -sk -X POST "$k/_flush?pretty" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd
node by node (cluster manager comes last)
eventually take the chance to also upgrade the system
apt update apt dist-upgrade apt autoremove --purge apt install colordiff
grab the latest release and proceed
ver=2.18.0 dpkg -i opensearch-$ver-linux-x64.deb # from opensearch0 scp opensearch-$ver-linux-x64.deb opensearch1: scp opensearch-$ver-linux-x64.deb opensearch2: scp opensearch-$ver-linux-x64.deb opensearch3:
override what you want to be stock defaults e.g.
/etc/opensearch/jvm.options I
keep your settings and review stock changes after
/etc/opensearch/opensearch.yml N
rm -f opensearch-$ver-linux-x64.deb
eventually upgrade the config manually (enabling quite a few plugins) then
cd /etc/opensearch/ cp -pi opensearch.yml opensearch.yml.`date +%s` diff -bu opensearch.yml.dist opensearch.yml.dpkg-dist mv -f opensearch.yml.dist opensearch.yml.dist.old mv -i opensearch.yml.dpkg-dist opensearch.yml.dist mv -f opensearch.yml.clean opensearch.yml.clean.old grep -vE '^#|^$' opensearch.yml.dist > opensearch.yml.clean vi opensearch.yml (sync/update depending on dist's diff) (keep node-specific settings at the bottom) (keep custom settings below that e.g.) opensearch.experimental.feature.composite_index.star_tree.enabled: true chown -R opensearch:opensearch /etc/opensearch/ chmod 640 /etc/opensearch/opensearch.yml* systemctl restart opensearch systemctl status opensearch
cat <<EOF | curl -sk -X PUT "$k/_cluster/settings?pretty" -u $admin_user:$admin_passwd \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d@- { "persistent": { "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "all" } } EOF
while upgrading the coordinator node, some index cache was found, need to clean-up – double quotes missing
vi /etc/default/opensearch OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
export OPENSEARCH_JAVA_HOME=/usr/share/opensearch/jdk /usr/share/opensearch/bin/opensearch-node repurpose