dpkg -l | grep gnupg apt purge gnupg apt autoremove --purge apt install gnupg1 curl lsb-release
grab the latest available LTS release for your distribution
ls -lF /usr/share/keyrings/haproxy.debian.net.gpg # no exist ls -lF /etc/apt/sources.list.d/haproxy.list # no exist #apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 95A42FE8353525F9 curl -s https://haproxy.debian.net/bernat.debian.org.gpg | gpg1 --dearmor \ > /usr/share/keyrings/haproxy.debian.net.gpg codename=`lsb_release -cs 2>/dev/null` lts=2.8 echo $codename echo $lts
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/haproxy.list <<EOF deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/haproxy.debian.net.gpg] http://haproxy.debian.net $codename-backports-$lts main EOF
apt update apt install haproxy=$lts.\* vim-haproxy grep ^haproxy /etc/group grep ^haproxy /etc/passwd
notice syslog config and log rotation are in place
ls -lF /etc/rsyslog.d/49-haproxy.conf ls -lF /etc/logrotate.d/haproxy
ls -lF /etc/haproxy/dhparms.pem # no exist openssl dhparam -out /etc/haproxy/dhparms.pem 2048 chmod 444 /etc/haproxy/dhparms.pem
systemctl status haproxy journalctl -u haproxy.service --since today --no-pager
you can now proceed with the setup