Grab and build Inspectrum
apt install qt5-default libfftw3-dev cmake pkg-config libliquid-dev git clone cd inspectrum/ mkdir build/ cd build/ cmake ../ echo $MAKEFLAGS make make install
as user
inspectrum --rate 2e6 $arfcn.cfile
as user
inspectrum --rate 2e6 $arfcn.hrf.cs8 inspectrum --rate 12e6 tele2hop.hrf.cs8
Couldn't transfer any bytes for one second.
==> reset the device once and you’re good
Review the signals w/ Octave
apt install octave octave-signal octave-communications #wget "" wget # octave --quiet octave-cli --quiet x=read_complex_binary('10.cfile'); plot(abs(x(100001:200000))); pkg load communications imagesc(vec2mat(20*log10(abs(x(1:end))),625),[-50,0])