apt install masscan
# ubuntu apt install gcc git make libpcap-dev # slackware ls -lF /var/log/packages/{gcc,git,libcap,make}-[0-9]* git clone https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan cd masscan/ grep ^proc /proc/cpuinfo echo $MAKEFLAGS make >/dev/null && echo BUILT make install >/dev/null && echo INSTALLED which masscan
list options compatible with nmap
masscan --nmap
the defaults are
-sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth
cidr=x.x.x.x/xx masscan $cidr -p0-65535 --rate=100000 -oB ${cidr/\//_}.alltcp masscan --readscan ${cidr/\//_}.alltcp masscan --readscan ${cidr/\//_}.alltcp -oG - | grep -v ^# | sort -V -k4
specific ip list
masscan -iL list.ip --rate=100000 --open-only --banners --top-ports 1000 -oB list.ip.top1000tcp masscan --readscan list.ip.top1000tcp masscan -iL list.ip --rate=100000 --open-only --banners -p0-65535 --offline masscan -iL list.ip --rate=100000 --open-only --banners -p0-65535 -oB list.ip.alltcp masscan --readscan list.ip.alltcp
the whole internet – see masscan-public
check the settings
masscan --echo
define your own
ls -lF /etc/masscan/masscan.conf # no exist mkdir -p /etc/masscan/ vi /etc/masscan/masscan.conf rate = 100000
https://techyrick.com/masscan-full-tutorial/ ==> -pU:53, –http-user-agent