in case you’re on a gateway relaying DNS, you might want to skip those noisy flows – beware of dns covert channels however
vi /etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf
[SERVICE] ... parsers_file custom_parsers.conf streams_file streams.conf [INPUT] name tail path /var/log/suricata/eve.json tag eve parser json_no_time [FILTER] name geoip2 match source.flowfix database /etc/fluent-bit/GeoLite2-City.mmdb lookup_key src_ip record src.rescue src_ip %{} [FILTER] name geoip2 match source.flowfix database /etc/fluent-bit/GeoLite2-City.mmdb lookup_key dest_ip record dest.rescue dest_ip %{} [FILTER] name modify match source.flowfix add sensor suricata@HOSTNAME-HERE [OUTPUT] name file match source.flowfix path /var/log file fluent-bit.suricata.log
vi /etc/fluent-bit/custom_parsers.conf
[PARSER] name json_no_time format json
vi /etc/fluent-bit/streams.conf
[STREAM_TASK] Name flow_no_dns Exec CREATE STREAM flowfix WITH (tag='source.flowfix') AS SELECT * from STREAM:tail.0 WHERE NOT dest_port = 53;