flb // sshguard logs

spot public and internal brutes

vi /etc/fluent-bit/custom_parsers.conf
# parse sshguard journal
# impossible to register parser if using source.ip directly
# impossible to register parser if using source.ip_range directly

# double quotes there are
    Name   sshguard_attack
    Format regex
    Regex  ^Attack from "(?<src_ip>[^ ]+)" on service .*$

# CIDR and double quotes there are
    Name   sshguard_block_range
    Format regex
    Regex  ^Blocking "(?<src_ip_range>[^ ]+)" for [0-9]+ secs .*$

# CIDR and double quotes there are
    Name   sshguard_block
    Format regex
    Regex  ^Blocking "(?<src_ip>[^ /]+)/32" for [0-9]+ secs .*$

# seen without CIDR
    Name   sshguard_unblock
    Format regex
    Regex  ^(?<src_ip>[^:]+): unblocking after .*$
vi /etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf
        parsers_file custom_parsers.conf

@INCLUDE flb_brutes.conf
    vi /etc/fluent-bit/flb_brutes.conf
# spot public and internal brutes
# change:
#   destination.ip
#   destination.geo.name
#   sensor

        name systemd
        systemd_filter _SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshguard.service
        read_from_tail on
        tag sshguard

# https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/pipeline/filters/parser
# https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/pipeline/parsers/regular-expression
    name parser
    match sshguard
    key_name MESSAGE
    parser sshguard_attack
    Preserve_Key true
    Reserve_Data true

    name parser
    match sshguard
    key_name MESSAGE
    parser sshguard_block
    Preserve_Key true
    Reserve_Data true

    name parser
    match sshguard
    key_name MESSAGE
    parser sshguard_unblock
    Preserve_Key true
    Reserve_Data true

# this is a workaround - impossible to register parsers if using source.ip source.ip_range directly
    name modify
    match sshguard
    condition key_value_matches src_ip [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+
    rename src_ip source.ip

    name geoip2
    match sshguard
    database /etc/fluent-bit/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
    lookup_key                      source.ip
    record source.geo.city_name     source.ip %{city.names.ru}
    record source.geo.country_name  source.ip %{country.names.ru}
    record lat                      source.ip %{location.latitude}
    record lon                      source.ip %{location.longitude}
    log_level error

# catch lat lon (lat comes first)
    name nest
    match sshguard
    operation nest
    wildcard l*
    nest_under source.geo.location

    name modify
    match sshguard

    # assume 1/10 of a MB just to get a Map Line
    add source.bytes       100000
    add destination.bytes  100000

    add destination.geo.name          HOSTNAME
    add destination.ip                PUBLIC-IP

    add lat                           55.7386
    add lon                           37.6068
    add destination.geo.city_name     Москва
    add destination.geo.country_name  Россия

    name nest
    match sshguard
    operation nest
    wildcard l*
    nest_under destination.geo.location

        name modify
        match sshguard
        add sensor sshguard@HOSTNAME

#    name file
#    match sshguard
#    path /var/log
#    file fluent-bit.brutes.log

Copyright © 2024 Pierre-Philipp Braun