git clone mv file.d/charts/filed/ file-d-helm/ rm -rf file.d/ cd file-d-helm/ helm dependency update #minikube delete --all minikube start --driver=docker --container-runtime=containerd kubectx kubens -c kubectl get clusterrole | grep cluster-admin # same namespace as the one you're going to launch the helm in namespace=default kubectl create clusterrolebinding file-d-test \ --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=$namespace:file-d-test kubectl get clusterrolebinding | grep test vi file-d-test.yaml
see file-d-test.yaml
helm install file-d-test ./ --values=file-d-test.yaml kubectl get pods | grep test # sa got created by helm kubectl get serviceaccount # pod points to this sa pod=`kubectl get pods | grep test | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'` kubectl get pod $pod -o yaml | grep service watch -n1 kubectl get pods watch -n1 kubectl logs $pod --tail=20 #helm upgrade file-d-test ./ --values=file-d-test.yaml #helm uninstall file-d-test
if you just prefer to decode everything at once, whatever the log field looks like, do not enable error mode
- type: json_decode field: log # this produces too much errors when log field is not nested #log_json_parse_error_mode: withnode