on kibana
create rollover+delete policy
stack mgmt / index lifecycle mgmt create policy name: logs-policy advanced settings max shard size 1 GiB max age 5 days max index size 3 GiB index priority: 100 for hot or disable if this is a poc
TODO also delete as done in the [osearch guide]](osearch-mgmt)
an index template
stack mgmt / index mgmt / index templates create template name: logs-template patterns: logs-* data stream V index settings
e.g. for 3 nodes
{ "index": { "lifecycle": { "name": "logs-policy" }, "number_of_shards": "3", "number_of_replicas": "0" } }
index mapping - see elastic-mgmt-mapping
and search pattern – note matching indices need to exist already! (only with elastic)
stack mgmt / index mgmt / search patterns create index pattern name: logs-* timestamp: @timestamp