session lasts only one hour so we need to cycle websocket processes before that – we use 30 minutes as those logs take an incredible amount of space for heavy-duty websites
we experienced some issue (bug?) with v3
– the geo IP fields were not working against first input JSON field ClientIP
it was solved by moving the ClientIP
field further down in the JSON output (and removed RayID
by the same occasion).
this seems to be a Fluent-Bit v3 bug, maybe investigate further and report the bug.
grab latest websocat binary
cd /usr/local/bin/ wget mv websocat.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl websocat
and install the json parser
apt install jq
find your Zone ID
Overview --> see bottom right corner
and create an api token
My Profile --> API Tokens Create Token permissions: Account.Account Analytics, Zone.Logs, Zone.Analytics
define a few useful variables
zoneid= token=
define what fields you want
request an url to pull
echo $zoneid echo $token # # ClientIP,ClientRequestHost,ClientRequestMethod,ClientRequestURI,EdgeEndTimestamp,EdgeResponseBytes,EdgeResponseStatus,EdgeStartTimestamp,RayID # w/o EdgeEndTimestamp EdgeStartTimestamp + additional fields after RayID # fluentbit geoip does not work when ClientIP comes first for some reason curl -sS -X POST "$zoneid/logpush/edge/jobs" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \ -d '{ "fields": "ClientRequestHost,ClientRequestMethod,ClientRequestURI,EdgeResponseBytes,EdgeResponseStatus,RayID,ClientCountry,ClientDeviceType,ClientIPClass,ClientRequestUserAgent,ClientIP,ClientASN,EdgeServerIP,OriginIP,SecurityActions,SecurityRuleDescription,SecuritySources,WAFAttackScore,WAFRCEAttackScore,WAFSQLiAttackScore,WAFXSSAttackScore,LeakedCredentialCheckResult,EdgeColoID,EdgeColoCode,OriginResponseStatus,ZoneName,ParentRayID", "sample": 1, "filter": "", "kind": "instant-logs" }' | jq .
and proceed with the provided url
websocat wss://...
the trick we use is to clean-up and generate a new session every 30 minutes in an infinite loop – in a nutshell
workdir=/data/cloudflare-instant-logs/ while true; do time=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S` dest=$workdir/$zone-$time.json find $workdir/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -mmin +31 -exec rm -f {} \; && echo done url=`curl ... | jq -r .result.destination_conf` timeout --preserve-status --foreground 30m websocat $url > $dest unset url done
cat > /data/list-sockets <<EOF #!/bin/bash pgrep -a run-instant pgrep -a websocat EOF cat > /data/kill-sockets <<EOF #!/bin/bash echo echo previous processes: pgrep -a run-instant pgrep -a websocat echo echo killing pkill run-instant pkill websocat echo sleep 1 echo actual processes: pgrep -a run-instant pgrep -a websocat echo EOF chmod +x /data/list-sockets chmod +x /data/kill-sockets ## ready to go enable at boot-time
vi /etc/rc.local
nohup /data/run-wrapper > /var/log/instant-logs.log 2>&1 & /data/list-sockets ```
you are now ready to proceed with log parsing
those we could not get
# creating a new instant logs job is not allowed: Bot Management fields are not allowed" # BotScore,BotScoreSrc,BotTags
#-H "X-Auth-Key: $authkey" \ #-H "X-Auth-Email: $email" \ #timeout --kill-after=3