Use Biblatex and Biber instead of Bibtex,
In combination with footcite replacement (see below),
Define your bib files using addbibresource
The .bib
file extention is optional on e.g. here latex.bib
Note babel=other
is depreceted. Use autloang=
After that, eventually switch to footnodes instead of end of document references,
Or simply print the bibliography at the end,
add this below the biblatex
package definition
moar Biblatex enhancements
\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{first-last} \renewcommand{\newunitpunct}{\addcomma\space} \renewcommand{\mkibid}{\emph}
eventually rename the bibloography section header
\addto\captionsfrenchb{\renewcommand\refname{EnquĂȘte et bibliographie}}
How to use BibTeX
bibtex example