test internal vs external connection
kubectl create deploy redis --image=redis kubectl expose deploy redis --type=ClusterIP --port=6379
deploy a single devuan instance
kubectl create deploy devuan --image=pbraun9/devuan kubectl expose deploy devuan --type=NodePort --port=80
install thttpd and setup CGI without chroot
kubectl get pods | grep devuan kubectl exec -ti <POD> bash apt update -y apt install build-essential -y apt install redis-tools nmap -y nmap -p 6379 redis -Pn redis-cli -h redis set testkey testvalue ^D
and proceed with some minimal http daemon
vi /etc/thttpd.conf dir=/var/www/html logfile=/var/log/thttpd.log pidfile=/var/run/thttpd.pid cgipat=**.cgi mkdir -p /var/www/html/ cd /var/www/html/ vi index.cgi #!/bin/bash echo -e "Content-type: text/html\n" echo "<p>ok as cgi script" echo -n "<p>testkey key has this value: " redis-cli -h redis get testkey chmod +x index.cgi
start the daemon
/usr/local/sbin/thttpd -C /etc/thttpd.conf ps auxw | grep thttpd # runs as nobody by default netstat -lntup
minikube service devuan --url curl -i