Create a MariaDB database and user for Redmine,
pwgen (copy/paste password) docker exec -ti mariadbprod mysql -p CREATE DATABASE redminedb CHARACTER SET utf8; CREATE USER 'redmineuser' IDENTIFIED BY 'USERPASS'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redminedb.* TO 'redmineuser'; ^D
Tweak the official redmine image a similar fashion as custom/ubuntu,
docker pull redmine mkdir -p ~/images/redmine/ cd ~/images/redmine/ vi Dockerfile FROM redmine:latest MAINTAINER COPY upload/ /root/upload/ RUN /root/upload/install.bash CMD /root/upload/ wget .../install.bash wget .../
Build the fakeinit custom/redmine image,
cd ~/images/redmine/ docker build -t custom/redmine .
Launch the container based on the fakeinit custom redmine image,
app=redmineprod docker run -d --name $app -h $app \ -p 3000:3000 \ --link mariadbprod:mariadb \ custom/redmine docker exec -ti $app bash cd ~/ ln -s /usr/src/redmine/config ln -s /usr/src/redmine
Check that you can access the mariadb from within the container,
nc -v -z mariadb 3306 apt -y update apt -y install mysql-client mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD_HERE -h mariadb mysql -uredmineuser -pUSERPASS -h mariadb
Note. add --protocol=TCP
if you cannot reach the mariadb container.
Allow simple outgoing smtp setup with some specific mail aliases for redmine,
root: redmine: root
then setup the outgoing mail,
cd ~/config/ cp configuration.yml.example configuration.yml vi configuration.yml email_delivery: delivery_method: :sendmail
email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: "localhost" port: 25 enable_starttls_auto: false
setup the RAILS_ENV,
cd ~/config/environments/ cp production.rb production.rb.dist vi production.rb # Disable delivery errors #config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true config.action_mailer.default_options = {from: ''}
Note. redmine was setup in the mail aliases and points to the email defined for root
into the container.
Setup the DB credentials,
cd ~/config/ cp database.yml.example database.yml vi database.yml production: adapter: mysql2 database: redminedb host: mariadb username: redmineuser password: "USERPASS" encoding: utf8
Populate the DB,
cd ~/redmine/ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=production REDMINE_LANG=en bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data
Generate secrets and token,
cd ~/redmine/ bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
(skipped, using a container and running the app as root) Fix the perms,
#cd ~/redmine/ #mkdir -p tmp/pdf public/plugin_assets #sudo chown -R redmine:redmine files log tmp public/plugin_assets #sudo chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets
Start rsyslog & postfix,
service rsyslog restart service postfix stop pkill master service postfix start
Start the rails daemon,
cd /usr/src/redmine/ echo $RAILS_ENV #export RAILS_ENV=production rails server -b
You can now log into the app with admin/admin. You’ll get to change your password at first login, eventually generate one from the command line with,
and copy/paste it.
Now setup the redmine URL and other things,
Administration > Settings > General tab application title: ... host name and path: ... test formatting: markdown Administration > Settings > Authentication tab autologin: 7 days hide my email address: uncheck
Now setup the Email notifications into the bug tracker,
Administration > Settings > Email notifications From: ... uncheck bcc edit the footer with the right url prefix, save use the button on the bottom right corner to send a test email
Check the logs,
cd ~/redmine/ tail -f log/production.log
If you need to increase the log level, edit the env,
vi config/production.rb config.log_level = :debug
git clone http://... apt -y install cron
Installing Redmine
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