Check that –auth & localhostException are NOT enabled yet,
ps aux | grep mongo grep enableLocalhostAuthBypass /etc/mongod.conf
Create a mongo root user and a backup user,
db.createUser( { user: "root", pwd: "MONGO-ROOT-PASSWD", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] } ) db.createUser( { user: "backupuser", pwd: "YETANOTHERPASSWD", roles: [ { role: "backup", db: "admin" } ] } )
Without even restarting the mongo daemon, check that you can connect with those credentials,
mongo -u "root" -p "MONGO-ROOT-PASSWD" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
With access to DBNAME db only,
use DBNAME var user = { "user" : "DBNAMEuser", "pwd" : "MONGO-USER-PASSWD", roles : [ { "role" : "readWrite", "db" : "DBNAME" } ] } db.createUser(user);
Without even restarting the mongo daemon, check that you can connect with those credentials,
mongo -u "DBNAMEuser" -p "MONGO-USER-PASSWD" --authenticationDatabase "DBNAME" DBNAME
Tune the config,
vi /etc/mongodb.conf setParameter: enableLocalhostAuthBypass: false
Also into the init script,
cp -p /etc/init.d/mongod /etc/init.d/mongod.`date +%s` vi /etc/init.d/mongod OPTIONS=" -f $CONFIGFILE --auth"
Further tune the arguments when running the daemon,
vi /etc/init.d/mongod OPTIONS=" -f $CONFIGFILE --auth --sslMode preferSSL --sslPEMKeyFile /etc/mongodb/private_and_cert.pem --sslPEMKeyPassword PASSPHRASE_HERE --sslCAFile /etc/mongodb/chain_and_root_concat.crt --sslAllowInvalidHostnames --sslAllowConnectionsWithoutCertificates" systemctl daemon-reload
In case you played around starting the damon as root (WRONG), fix the perms again,
chown -R mongod:mongod /data/logs/mongodb/ /data/databases/ /var/log/mongodb/ /var/lib/mongo/
and make sure the process & pidfie are gone,
ls -l /var/run/mongodb/ ps aux | grep mongo
Point your app to the right URL, if SSL not enabled yet,
with SSL enabled,
then restart the daemon and watch the logs,
service mongod restart tail -n 100 -F /data/logs/mongodb/mongod.log
check that –auth and –ssl* are now enabled and that the right cert is provided by the mongodb service,
ps aux | grep mongo openssl s_client -connect localhost:27017
and finally restart the application and check that it is able to access the data tru the now better secured connection.
Now that auth is enabled onto MongoDB, make sure your backup scripts are up-to-date e.g.,
umask 0077 date=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%s` backupdir=/data/backup/mongodb mkdir -p $backupdir/ days=5 host=`hostname --short` destdir=$backupdir/$date.$host.mongo echo -n dumping all mongo databases to $destdir/... time mongodump --quiet -u "backupuser" -p "YETANOTHERPASSWD" --authenticationDatabase "admin" -o $destdir && echo done unset destdir echo -n removing older mongo backups \(+$days days\) from $backupdir/... find $backupdir/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +$days -exec rm -rf {} \; && echo done
this did not work – editing the init script instead – And also tune the arguments when running the daemon!
grep SYSCONFIG /etc/init.d/mongod vi /etc/default/mongod # custom sysconfig for mongod to enable --auth CONFIGFILE="/etc/mongod.conf" OPTIONS=" -f $CONFIGFILE --auth"