apt install grub-pc
v15.0 now has the package available
slackpkg search grub-2
see grub-source
define your target disk
fdisk -l disk=/dev/sda disk=/dev/nvme0n1 disk=/dev/loop0
define the boot folder within ?
# (default) boot=/boot # mounted from another system boot=lala/boot
in case it is a GPT table, do this first (BIOS BOOT PARTITION)
cgdisk $disk (about 1M free space is more than enough) (it does not matter what partition number / slot you take) type --> ef02 name --> bios-boot partprobe $disk fdisk -l $disk ls -lF ${disk}*
in any case, you can then proceed
grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=$boot $disk
see grub